Hicham Aboutaam — My favorite 6 pictures
I wrote about my 6 favorite pieces at the Israel Museum and thought I’d also mention them here in case you didn’t see it.
The Israel Museum is a wonderful museum filled with some great pieces — here are just 6 that I particularly like.

This 11cm disc was buried in Roman crypts almost 2000 years ago. Its journey to being displayed in the 21st century is a remarkable one!

Rembrandt requires no introduction and neither does this famous piece. A staggeringly beautiful piece.

This bust of Hadrian is one of the few bronze ones.

This piece featuring a palm tree and two genies is stunning.

This iconic piece has caused a lot of debate in the art world. What are your thoughts?

This piece is now over 500 years old! It features Venus, Cupid and the three Graces. It is a fantastic piece by Rubens.
What are your thoughts of these pieces?